What a fantastic way to raise awareness and great fundraising for KD-UK by holding a ‘Chinwag, Cake and a Cuppa’ morning.
This fundraising event could be held at your home, a garden party or even at school, most schools will be delighted to support you. A great way to meet up with friends and introduce new parents, everyone loves a home baked cake, cup of tea and a chat.
To increase your fundraising hold a raffle at the same time, if you start asking parents, friends and local businesses it’s amazing how generous people can be, willing to give you a small gift or two! The raffle prizes soon mount up and before you know you have a great selection of prizes.
I held one of these fundraising events one morning with a raffle at my local school, inviting parents and teachers to come along and pop in (important tip – get your timings right it needs to fall during the teachers break!!). I’d like to thank Mr. Thorpe the Headmaster and all the staff for supporting this event and helping eat the cakes!
Everyone commented on what a lovely friendly fun morning they had, catching up with people, eating delicious homemade cakes and some winning a raffle prize or two. Within two hours we had raised an incredible £532.56.
What an amazing achievement for a mornings work, spreading awareness of this rare disease is so important. If I can do it so can you! So get organising, get baking…
by Karen Woollam
Held at Sunninghill Preparatory School