Thank you Parkers Property Consultants & Valuers of Poundbury, Dorset for supporting KD-UK at their Christmas Raffle evening. It was a great success with much needed awareness raised for Kennedy’s Disease and of course fund raising too, £623 raised was raised on the evening.
Parkers and KD-UK were overwhelmed with the number of visitors that attended the event on the 15th December for the Christmas Party. With a highly successful raffle with prizes donated by Parkers and many other local businesses.
We’d also like to thank all the local Poundbury business’ who supported the raffle by donating fantastic prizes. There were plenty of happy winners.
Thanks to Dorset Cereals, Redfine, The Dorset Wine Company, Boos Toy Shop, Tom French Mortgages, Cuckooland.com, Spirare Limited and a few local residents for donating fantastic prizes to help Parkers raise their grand total.
It was a fantastic evening, enjoyed by many.
dorset cereals, Redefine, The Dorset Wine Company, Boos Toy Shop, Tom French Mortgages, Cuckooland.com, Spirare Limited