Our mission at KD-UK is to raise funds to fight Kennedy’s Disease. We can’t do that on our own, we need your help.
We’ve been truly blessed by the support we’ve received so far but now we need you to do a little bit more! There are a number of ways that you can raise money to fight Kennedy’s Disease. You could join one of our events to raise money, like one of the many marathons, half marathons and 10Ks that we have places in or you could get on your bike and join us at Prudential Ride London 100 at the end of July.
But you don’t have to wait for us, you could come up with your own event like the Neverest Girls Trans-Rockies run, the amazing Chamonix-Venice bike ride or a number of cake sales and supper clubs.
If you’re looking for some inspiration, here’s some ideas that may help you to get started.
Walk to school week – ditch the car and all get walking
Reading challenge – how many books can your school read?
Or perhaps how about a sponsored swim?
Past vs present fixture – relive your youth and raise money!
Quiz night – let’s get those brain muscles working too
End of season dinner – celebrate your achievements and raise money too.
Cake sales – bake, eat, enjoy, raise money!
Fashion show – partner with local businesses and have fun
Talent show – everyone has a secret talent, let’s celebrate them
Sponsor litter picking/beach clean – help the environment and KD-UK at the same time
Sponsored walk – it could be long or short, but it will be fun and help KD-UK
Running – there are loads of running events you can get involved in
Cycling – plan your route, get on your bike and raise money
Trekking – how far will you go to raise money for charity
Tough Mudder – get down and dirt and inspire others with your supreme efforts
Charity of the year – why not make KD-UK your charity this year
Golf days – get out on the course with your clients and help a fantastic cause
Whatever you decide to do, please get in touch, we love to hear what you’re planning. We’d like to share your event, personal challenge via our social media. We will help and support you in any way that we can. A little bit of help from you means we can change a lot.
Leaving a gift in your will can be as simple as adding a paragraph to your existing will. We always recommend using a solicitor when making or updating your will. If you wish to leave Kennedy’s Disease UK a specific sum of money in your will, we have found that the following form of words is normally acceptable to a solicitor:
I give to Kennedy’s Disease UK of Field Point Cottage 1 Park Farm Close, Martinstown, Dorset, DT2 9TW, Registered Charity Number 1160793, absolutely, the sum (amount in figures, amount in words) to be applied by Kennedy’s Disease UK for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Kennedy’s Disease UK for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
Did you know you could support the KDUK every time you shop on Amazon? Shop and raise money to help us to fight back against KD.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as amazon.co.uk, with the added bonus that AmazonSmile will donate a portion of the purchase price to your selected charity.
1. Sign into Amazon on your desktop or mobile phone browser via the button below.
2. On your fists visit you will be prompted to select your chosen charity.
3. Select KD-UK
Amazon will then donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible purchases. It’s as simple as that!
Have a look through recent fundraising activities and start planning your own!