The KD team at UCL have some fantastic news.
A clinic specifically dedicated to KD will start next month (May) and will run on Friday mornings at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. The clinic will be embedded within the MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Disease.
People suffering with KD can ask their GPs to refer them to this clinic. The clinic will be run by Dr Fratta and Prof Hanna.
This is really exciting news as it’s the first KD specific clinic where sufferers can be followed up, meet the team and for their records to be held on a central data base system. For further information, you can email sbma@ucl.ac.uk or p.fratta@ucl.ac.uk
Thank you very much to the KD team at UCL for setting this up, thanks for your hard work in achieving this vital clinic.